

The Wackness, starring Josh Peck (formerly of Nickelodeon's "The Amanda Show" and "Drake & Josh") takes place in New York in 1994. And it's probably one of the best movies EVER of it's kind. I honestly didnt know what rto expect when I saw first heard about it, especially since Peck's Drake & Josh co-star, Drake Bell, was comingo ut with a truly terrible movie (Superhero Movie) around the same time. I'd always thought that Josh Peck was a little over-the-top in a way that only a child star could be, and I always figurted that after the inevitable end of his show, he'd fade away like most othe Nickelodeon and Disney stars that don't end up with music careers or cocaine problems. Josh Peck surprised me. Josh Peck OWNED me. He seriously proved that we all knew less than nothing about him, that he could carry a movie, and that he wasnt going away or going bankrupt any time soon.

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